Do you need closure with a passed loved one?
You may be looking for guidance to determine whether you are in the right career, relationship, or even path.

With a unique gift, I’ve been able to act as an interpreter between the living and the spiritual, enhancing the lives of others. My mission is to help every person I come across find closure with passed loved ones, communicating with their angels, spirit guides, and loved ones to help ensure they are on the correct life path. Or what changes they need to make to live their life to the fullest. I’ve even helped people find items that had been lost in their homes, bringing hope and optimism. A medium is a great way to clarify what you may be unsure about.
Is a psychic medium reading right for me? It might sound scary or even unreal if you’ve never had a reading. I get it. If you’ve never had a reading before, they and I can explain the expectations. Have you ever heard the saying, “Someone must be looking out for you”? Everyone always has spiritual entities with us; in most cases, these are spirit guides and angels. They are harmless, usually around as our protectors and life guides, and provide unconditional love, as most people cannot see or hear these spiritual entities. They try to communicate with us by various means, such as:
- moving random items in your home
- numerology
- in the clouds
- through butterflies and animals
- So much more!
Most times, these communication attempts go unnoticed. Psychics have the ability to see and hear these entities. We can act as an interpreter. For example, when you sit with Kaila, she can call on any of your loved ones or guides. She can see and hear them, describing their look and personality and even confirming things that only you would know. What they tell her is what she tells you. Some people may come for a one-time reading, but others find comfort in going every few months, and some make it a yearly tradition, highlighting the normalcy and acceptance of seeking psychic guidance.
Interested in a reading? Click here to schedule yours today!

Empaths are highly sensitive and magnetic people. Many people with empathic traits notice they are magnets for energy vampires and narcissists. Going out in public may become overwhelming, and seeing someone in distress, whether in person or on TV, can affect you emotionally. Having an intuition as strong as steel means empaths are walking lie detectors; they can easily read people before the person has a chance to even say a word.
Do you need guidance on how to protect yourself and your energy?
Living as an empath can be a rewarding journey, but it can also be challenging if you don’t have anyone to guide you. Learning how to protect your energy is a crucial step in enhancing your life, and without the right guidance, it can be difficult to navigate.
You’ve been wondering how you can better control your emotions
Depending on how sensitive you are, every day can be a roller coaster of emotions as an empath. You can easily feel the emotions of others, from stress to happiness to sometimes even physical pain. However, you can learn to control these emotions.
You’ve been looking for a safe haven where you can vent, ask questions and find support
Having family and friends to vent to is always nice, but sometimes we don’t have anyone around. Even when we have loved ones around, they do not quite understand. It is important to be a part of a community of people who understand what you are going through if you want to vent or ask questions. If you’ve been struggling with any of the above, it may be time to consider scheduling a one-hour empath One on One. Here, I provide personalized guidance and equip you with tools to manage your feelings, empowering you to bring more peace into your daily life.

Meditation may not work the first few times you try.
Can you relate to this? You’ve likely been intrigued by the benefits of meditation and decided to give it a shot. But as you sit there, your mind starts to wander. The timer goes off, and you realize that nothing has changed. You’ve just spent 20 minutes on the floor, lost in thoughts about work, dinner, family, and finances. If this sounds like your experience, you’re not alone.
You’re not alone. For many people, the first few times you try meditation may not work. But remember, it’s about finding the method that works for you. It could be the time frame that suits you best. A personalized guided meditation session with Kaila is designed to understand your unique needs and preferences. We take into account what has and hasn’t worked for you in the past, and guide you towards a method that resonates with you. This individualized approach ensures you can fully experience the benefits of meditation. Inquire about this tailored service via Zoom.